@inproceedings{yang-zhang-2018-ncrf, title = "{NCRF}++: An Open-source Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit", author = "Yang, Jie and Zhang, Yue", booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACL} 2018, System Demonstrations", month = jul, year = "2018", address = "Melbourne, Australia", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P18-4013", pages = "74--79", abstract = "This paper describes NCRF++, a toolkit for neural sequence labeling. NCRF++ is designed for quick implementation of different neural sequence labeling models with a CRF inference layer. It provides users with an inference for building the custom model structure through configuration file with flexible neural feature design and utilization. Built on PyTorch \url{http://pytorch.org/}, the core operations are calculated in batch, making the toolkit efficient with the acceleration of GPU. It also includes the implementations of most state-of-the-art neural sequence labeling models such as LSTM-CRF, facilitating reproducing and refinement on those methods.", }