YLab: Empower Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence

YLab is an interdisciplinary research group led by Prof. Jie Yang at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Yang is a lead investigator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, affiliated faculty at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, arvard Data Science Initiative, and Kempner Institute of Harvard University. Our interests focus on ** AI in healthcare and clinical natural language processing **. Specifically, we are interested in:

  • Disease early-detection/diagnosis/treatment prediction using electronic health records and other clinical data sources.
  • Efficient feature extraction from electronic health records and insurance claims.
  • Data analysis on healthcare-related data (e.g. telemedicine, social media).
  • Natural language processing, large language models in healthcare.
  • Open-sourced tools and open-accessed datasets that accelerate the above areas.

Prospective students: We welcome students, trainees, and collaborators from Harvard, MIT, and other institutes in the greater Boston area to work with us. For undergraduate students from Harvad, I can enroll student through KURE/KRANIUM programs at Harvard Kempner Institute. We have over 80 million real-world electronic healthcare records for over 1.3 million patients (MGB internal data), and have collected around 100 open-access clinical text datasets. Our division has a new powerful server (8xH100 GPUs). Please email me (jyang66@bwh.harvard.edu) with your CV if you are interested.

We have developed several popular NLP tools (including NCRF++, LatticeLSTM and YEDDA), which attracted more than 5000 stars at GitHub.



Dr. Yang is invited as an associate editor at TNNLS!


Dr. Yang received the Goldberg Scholarship Award!


One Paper accepted by Journal of Biomedical Informatics, congratulations to Shixu!


New paper accepted by npj Digital Medicine, congratulations to Bowen.


Dr. Jie Yang has been selected as a Fellow of AMIA (FAMIA)!

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